March 31, 2025

Pixabay Moise_Theodor

In a few years I’ll be turning 50. I’ve been thinking it’s high time I did some new things. Actually – I’ve been thinking that since I turned 40 but, to tell you the truth, I simply haven’t had the time between looking after my son and working. As part of my job as a journalist, I often try out new things – usually related to money or moneysaving. But this time I thought I’d do something for me and sample some unusual and wacky things that are a bit different to broaden my own horizons and see what I am capable of.

One caveat, though. It’s unlikely to involve anything like skydiving or bungee-jumping as – frankly – as a lifelong gym dodger, those who know me will tell you that that simply isn’t my style. But I’m hoping I can push the envelope and do some activities that stretch me. After all, you don’t know what you can do unless you try.

For my first activity, I’m going to do the Psychopath Test online and report back. Then, hopefully, I might also be taking my first ukulele lesson soon with a friend… I let you know how I get on soon. Until then…